Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Meet Sarita

Sara Martin is a mother, artist, writer and jewelry artisan.

 In Sara's mothering journey, she began the process of cultivating and liberating herself to become a positive healing force for wombyn* through their mothering choices, transitions, birth + postpartum as well as their creative projects.

 Sara is currently devising a zine series about journeys into sacred wombynhood + mothering that honors the power of autonomous self-healing through art, writing and working with medicine allies such as crystals, animal totems, dreams and herbs.

 Sara has initiated a self-directed study to become a certified child birth educator, expressive arts educator and social entrepreneur.

 Sara is inspired by her grandmother Gavina Munoz, a community midwife, herbalist and single mother for four whose journey began in San Miguel El Alto, Jalisco, Mexico.

 Get to know Sarita on her blog: