As a new mother it may be overwhelming to go to stores and view
the recommend items to select for your baby registry, I know it was for
me. If you speak to the employees of these stores that help you set up
the registry they make you believe you need almost everything in
there. How can you survive without a wipey warmer? If you ask friends and family members (especially those without children) some
might say you need everything, babies drain your money, and
you should buy all the cute stuff in the store. Your
mother might say you should put blankets, onesies, pj's, and diapers. Ok
yeah shes on the right track...
So what do you really need on your baby registry? When asking this question to approximately 40 mothers and fathers coming from various economic backgrounds, this is what the majority of them said:
Items that to put on your registry:
- Disposible diapers (if you are going the disposible way)
- Disposible wipes (fragrance- free)
- Convertible car seat that may be used for infants and toddlers
- Breast pump (handheld) even if you are a stay at home mom you may need in case of an emergency or sore nipples. electric if you are unable to be with your baby because of work and/or school.
- Bottles (BPA free)
Items that you can get used:Items you should not put on your registry:
- Cloth diapers (can also be used as burp cloths and for infant potty training)
- Cloth diaper covers the one size fits all
- Wash cloths (you may use them to clean spit ups and use as wipey
- Small potty for the toddler years and if you go the infant potty training route
- Stroller that folds easily and is not too bulky especially if you don't drive. ( Chicco is an affordable recommended brand.)
- Swaddle blankets
- Vibrating chair or the baby swing
- Baby wearing item such as rebozo, wrap, sling, backpack carrier, etc. ( i.e., Ergo, Maya and Moby)
- Clothes: onesies, socks, shirts, pants these are better to buy used since babies outgrow them in a month or two until they get to 12 months. Gowns are essential the first few months because you may easily change their diapers without bothering them much
- Play pen or baby seat so they may be entertained with a few toys while you do something but try not to overuse them
- Foodmill you can make your food anywhere you go
- Boppy or any other type of breastfeeding pillows ( or you can use firm pillows)
- Crib especially if you are breastfeeding because it is a drag to get up and feed your child
- Bathrobe although super cute you don't really use it when you have to change the baby fast
- Shoes yes they are adorable but babies do not have any use for them, maybe a few for special occasions otherwise they are a waste
- Wipe warmer
- Infant car seat you use it for such little time and they are pricey
- Diaper changing table another thing that sounds cool and is probably better than folding your spine but for some reason most people said they hardly used and just put dirty clothes on top of it
- Walker it has been proven it does not really help children walk and might even negatively affect their development
You may add some other minor stuff but these are the essential items that were most talked about. As you can see you do not really need all that much stuff. My childbirth education teacher Julie Freitas said "Don't stress too much on having all that baby stuff all babies really need is a few clothes, the food is in you and they can sleep in a clothing drawer they don't mind". These words were on my mind while doing the registry for my second baby All babies want is to drink your milk not have a dirty diaper and to be held and loved everything else is not too important to them.