Monday, April 6, 2015

Image result for April cesarean awareness month

This guide was prepared April 28, 2013 at a Cesarean Awareness Healing Event hosted by Ticicalli Yahualli and created by some members of ICAN, and mothers that had cesareans births.  This was created for community and parents to have more knowledge about cesarean birth, be better prepared and create a support system in order to help the healing process.  I hope it may provide some guidance.

1.       Education with of variety of ways and sources.
2.       Knowledge of choices.
3.       Knowledge of models of care.
4.       Understanding your own body (ability to listen to your gut).
5.       Trust and connection to people attending your birth.
6.       Dispell myths of birth.
7.       Choose who you share your birth plan with, not everyone needs to know if they will not support it.
8.       Find ways to address traumas and fears of labor, birth, motherhood, and life. (Therapy, meditation, journaling, etc.)
9.       Scar remediation if necessary.
10.   Educate partner and have him/her address own traumas and fears.
11.   Knowledge of birth process and evidence based reasons for a cesarean birth.
12.   As workers do not push women to places where we cannot deal with.
13.   Always include a cesarean birth plan alongside a vaginal birth plan.
14.   Choose a birth team where everyone has a specific role to fill.

Cesarean Birth
1.       Have Cesarean Birth Plan ready. (Exp. Keep conversations in operating room low or not at all)
2.       Have someone present to support you during the birth.  This person should have knowledge of procedure and possible ways to offer support.
3.       Know and trust C-Birth is going to happen, there are reasons for it and let go.
4.       Have immediate contact with baby after birth.

1.       Receive Scar remediation
2.       Get records regarding previous c-birth and the reasons why it was necessary (or not) at that time.
3.       Address traumas and fears
4.       Find a VBAC friendly provider and hospital (ask lots of questions)
5.       Research stats and become literate of medical model (
6.       Educate partner and have him/her address own traumas and fears.
7.       Create a birth plan and discuss with Dr/midwife have them sign it before labor.
8.       Knowledge of birth process and evidence based reason for another c-birth.

1.       Change language-use cesarean birth or surgical birth instead of c-section or sectioned.
2.       Organize care with family and friends such as prepared meals, housework, and childcare if there are other children.
3.       Validate feeling (we are on the journey with you)
4.       Connect mother/family to resources such as ICAN or therapists especially those that specialize in this type of trauma.
5.       Be mindful of stomach being extra gassy use specialized meal plan avoiding gassy foods.
6.       Have extra support ready if choosing to breastfeeding such as breastfeeding pillows or be aware of positions that facilitate breast feeding for you.
7.       Refer to scar remediation.
8.       Give permission to recover at your own pace.
9.       Practice spiritual work and/or rebirth ceremony.
10.   Find ways to modify traditional birth practices to include them in your care such as; baths, teas, massage, closing of hips, etc.
11.   It is okay to have people help you.  Remember that they choose to help, do not feel bad because of this.
12.   Use technology to organize your postpartum care such as; apps, facebook, meal train, etc.

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